City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ)

Tamaqua is the only borough in the state’s “CRIZ” job-growth program, serving as a pilot for the program. There are only two cities that are part of the program as well, and they are Lancaster and Bethlehem. The program allows Tamaqua to leverage state tax dollars by reinvesting them in underutilized real estate, to attract development, to encourage local business expansion, and to create new jobs. This program is administered by the Department of Revenue, the Department of Community and Economic Development and the Governor’s Budget Office. Learn more now.

Any business, property owner or non-profit that is located in the designated CRIZ, is required to complete a simple online form (to avoid a $1000 fine) every year by June 15th. This ensures that all local tax dollars may be reinvested.

Monthly CRIZ Authority meetings (that are open to the public) are held on the third Monday at 6:00 p.m. at the Tamaqua Borough in the Council Chambers. Call the Borough between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 570.668.0300 to verify meeting dates and times.

To file the annual report, either you or your tax preparer can load the Department of Revenue NIZ/CRIZ/MIRP Report log in page.

CRIZ support card


Clicking “Is your business in the Tamaqua CRIZ” image will download a printer-friendly card offering helpful contact information for those seeking assistance in filing CRIZ forms.

Click appropriate image below to load printer-friendly info packet for 1) businesses or for 2) contractors.

criz packet for business criz packeet cover for contractors